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End of Quarter Pajama Brunch Party

Next Friday, 12/15, we will be having an end of quarter and holiday pajama/movie  brunch party. If you would like to bring in an item to share with the class, please  complete the signup sheet here. Please read the directions at the top of the page before typing on the doc. Thank you so much!
We will also most likely be watching a PG holiday movie,  so  I  will  send  home  reverse  permission slips.  Please only sign and return the slip if you DO NOT  allow your child to watch a PG movie.


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Please consider donating to our class basket by this Friday. Our theme is family fitness, but if you want to just donate cash, our parent volunteer can do the shopping for basket. Please consider bringing $5-10 by Friday to contribute to our basket. As of today, I have not received any donations and I do not want to let down our fabulous PTA.

Also, the camp balance is due on Friday, 12/15. You may start to bring in cash or check made out to CVESD at any time. All students received a letter last week with their updated camp balance. In January, we will hold an informational camp meeting for parents.

I know the holidays are a hectic time for everyone, so I want to thank you for continuing to support our students and classroom.

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Field Trip on Wednesday

Our field trip to the Living Coast Discovery Center is this Wednesday. Please remember to pack your child’s healthy sack lunch and be sure they dress appropriately for the weather and the walking.

A signed permission slip and $3 cash are due tomorrow.

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Winter Wonderland Class Basket

I desperately need a parent volunteer to put our classroom basket together for the Winter Wonderland. Our theme is “Family Fitness.” Please email me at asap if you are interested and I can give you the details about putting the basket together.

For all families, please consider donating to this basket,  as this is one of the main fundraisers of the year for PTA. You can donate fitness items or cash and our parent volunteer can purchase items for the basket.

All donations must be turned in by 12/1. Thank you for your support of our fabulous PTA!

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Butter Braid Delivery

Butter Braids will be delivered this Thursday. They will need to be kept frozen once your child brings them home. For those who fundraised, I will give you an updated camp balance as soon as I return. I apologize for the delay.

Posted in Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

If your child sold Butterbraids you will be receiving an updated camp balance this week. Remember to turn in the camp health history form as soon as possible.

I’m excited to announce that our nonfiction project on Donorschoose has been fully funded and we should receive our new books as early as this week! Thank you to all families who donated and supported us. I know the students will be ecstatic to receive these resources to expand their knowledge.

Some students received extra support homework in math (computing decimals) and handwriting last week. All work is due this Friday, 11/3. Please ask your child if he/she received any extra support homework and review it with our child before turning it in.

Here is what is happening this week:

Tuesday: Halloween – this is a regular day of school for us, so please no costumes, candy, or anything else that is distracting. I will NOT be assigning any homework on this day.

Thursday: VAPA

Friday: extra support homework due

Here is what we will be learning:

Language Arts – We will begin Unit 4, The Reader’s Perspective, and start off with some poems, “The Road Not Taken,” and “The Road.”

Writing – We will work on informative/explanatory writing and discuss thesis statements.

Math – This week’s lessons from module 2 include: odd & even numbers, divisibility rules, greatest common factor (GCF), least common multiple (LCM).

Social Studies – We will begin our study of ancient Egypt. Students will be reading from the text, taking notes, and completing a culminating project within the next four weeks. Students will have an option of working by themselves for the project or with ONE other partner.

PE – students will rotate to Mrs. Benson.

Posted in Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

This week is Red Ribbon Week, in honor of Enrique Camarena and for students to pledge to stay off drugs. Please see the previous post for dress-up days and events.

The heat will continue this week so please send your child to school with appropriate attire and a water bottle (with water only). Also, please remind your child that the following items are NOT allowed at school: sports equipment from home and toys (including cards).

Here is what is happening this week:

Wednesday: Red Ribbon photo (wear red)

Thursday: DEA Assembly on blacktop

Friday: Character Parade (please see the school website for guidelines); students must bring change of clothes to change immediately following the parade.

This is what we are learning:

Language Arts: We will finish reading and discussing about John Muir and the Unit 3 Test will be given on Wednesday and Thursday.

Writing: Students will draft, revise, edit, and publish their biography reports this week. They should be completed by Friday at the latest.

Read Aloud: We began our next novel, Dead End in Norvelt and the students are enjoying it very much. It is written by Jack Gantos and ties in true events from his childhood with some fictional elements to make for a humorous historical fiction read.

Math: Division (long-division and decimals)

Science: Last week of rotation with Mrs. Benson

PE: We will stay inside for PE this week due to the heat.

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Camarena Homeless Connect Project

Camarena is partnering with Casillas, Eastlake, Parkview and Rosebank on a “Homeless Connect” project.  We’re collecting donations of granola bars that will be part of a package to distribute to the homeless in our area.  Please consider donating granola bars to help the needy. Thank you!